How Bee Wax is Made

Bee WaxBee wax is produced only by young bees at the age of 10-20 days and is used for building and repairing honeycombs, sealing gaps in the hive, fastening frames, making “caps” for sealing the honeycombs. The production of bee wax in the hive depends on the strength of the family, on the quality of young bees, and availability of pollen and honey. With a lack of pollen, the main supplier of protein and other essential substances, bee wax production drops. A strong, well-developing family can produce up to 2 kg of bee wax per season (on average, 1-1.5 kg).

The beekeeper can increase the production of bee wax and honey by feeding bees the following mixture of honey and “bee bread”:

  • “bee bread” – 100 g (or pollen nuggets);
  • honey -100 g;
  • water – 100 g;
  • baking soda -2.5 g;

Daily dose for a family – 200 g of the mixture.

The newly built honeycombs have a light yellow color and consist of 85-100% bee wax. Over time, the color of the combs changes, after a year or two they darken to dark brown and the amount of bee wax in honeycombs decreases to 50-60%. Such honeycombs are rejected and go to the production of marketable bee wax.

Bee Wax Properties

Bee Wax Cappings

Bee Wax Medical Use

All our products are sold with the understanding that “Langwood Apiary LLC” is not rendering a medical advice. It is buyer’s obligation to evaluate their own medical needs, to determine whether specific medical advice is required, and, where necessary, to seek the service of a qualified health-care professional.