Queen Milk Contraindications

Royal Jelly

Contraindications to the use of “queen milk”:

  • Addison’s disease;
  • allergic reaction to bee products;
  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • tendency to hypercoagulation (especially in the elderly).

Complications when using “queen milk” are mainly allergic in nature:

  • red, long-lasting spots on the skin;
  • local inflammation at the site of contact with “queen milk”;
  • itchy skin, abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, insomnia.

Queen Milk Properties

Queen Milk Medical Use

All our products are sold with the understanding that “Langwood Apiary LLC” is not rendering a medical advice. It is buyer’s obligation to evaluate their own medical needs, to determine whether specific medical advice is required, and, where necessary, to seek the service of a qualified health-care professional.