Bee Venom Therapy Indications

Bee Venom

It is necessary to emphasize that bee venom cannot be used as a panacea for treatment of all diseases. Today,A based on scientific data collected over a long period, we have a list of diseases that can be treated with bee venom and contraindications when it cannot be used.

List of Diseases Treated Well with Bee Venom (E.A. Ludyansky, 1994)

  1. Diseases of the nervous system: osteochondrosis with neurovascular pain and radicular syndrome, spinal cord ischemia, facial nerve neuritis, infectious and intoxication polyneuritis, consequences of the brachial plexus and spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain disease, diencephalic syndrome, residual effects of encephalitis, trauma of the brain, diencephalic syndrome, post-stroke paralysis and aphasia, migraine, parkinsonism, cerebral arteriosclerosis, neuro-rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, chronic encephalitis, myopathies, epilepsy, hereditary degenerative diseases, vegetative diseases, neuroses, asthenia, cerebral palsy;
  2. Psychiatry: neurosis, exhaustion, reactive neurosis, psychopathy, alcoholism, epilepsy, depression, asthenic conditions, depressive forms of organic psychosis, schizophrenia, oligophrenia;
  3. Gastroenterology: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis, gastritis
  4. Cardiology: myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, hypertensive and hypotonic diseases, myocarditis, pericarditis;
  5. Hematology: radiation sickness, radiation burns after radio and radiotherapy, radiation myelitis, anemia;
  6. Pulmonology: bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy effects;
  7. Nephrology: nephroptosis;
  8. Endocrinology: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, diencephalic infertility, anorexia nervosa;
  9. Rheumatology: heart defects, arrhythmias, rheumatic cordites, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, gout;
  10. Gerontology: senile wilt;
  11. Professional diseases: prevention of radiation complications in radiologists;
  12. Infectious diseases: chronic infections, brucellosis, erysipelas, herpes, residual effects of malaria, influenza;
  13. Children’s diseases: underdevelopment;
  14. Surgery: obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis, chronic ulcers and wounds, bedsores, sepsis, postoperative scars;
  15. Urology: renal stone disease;
  16. Otorhinolaryngology: neuritis of the auditory nerve, chronic pharyngitis;
  17. Ophthalmology: herpetic keratitis, eye burns;
  18. Dermatology: eczema, psoriasis, pruritic dermatosis;
  19. Immune disorders, micro-circulation pathology;

Bee Venom History

Bee Venom Properties

Bee Venom Medical Use

Bee Venom Therapy Contraindications

Bee Venom Methods of Administering

Bee Venom Emergency Assistance

All our products are sold with the understanding that “Langwood Apiary LLC” is not rendering a medical advice. It is buyer’s obligation to evaluate their own medical needs, to determine whether specific medical advice is required, and, where necessary, to seek the service of a qualified health-care professional.